Membership is open to all juniors 18 and under who are residents of the Big Island. Age determination is the junior's birthdate. One must create an account and complete the new year's BIJGA Enrollment registration online, via Golf Genius website, before becoming an active member for the current year. The BIJGA Board of Directors reserves the right to make final decisions regarding membership issues. Annual membership is from January 1 to December 31.
Tournaments are planned at various golf courses on the Big Island for BIJGA members’ ages 6 & under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 and 15-18.
Membership eligibility shall end on:
1. August 31st following junior golfer's 18th birthday; or
2. When junior golfer starts a post high school or post-secondary level educational or vocational training program; or
3. When junior golfer is no longer enrolled in a high school or secondary level educational or vocational training program and is employed; or
4. Subject to Board approval.
Active Membership includes:
- Participation in our BIJGA tournaments and Club Play
- 1 free BIJGA polo shirt for junior member
- (1) paid dinner ticket for BIJGA Annual Banquet for the junior member
- Hilo Muni players monthly card (typically in the month of June but TBD each year), paid for the Arnie Asato Memorial Fund
Golf green fees and most Tournament/Club Plays may have entry fees to participate. Rates are significantly reduced, however, subsidized through the BIJGA and the various Golf Courses we play at.
Our 2025 annual fee is $50.00 per junior, accessed online within the membership registration process. Please see below for detailed registration instructions.!